Grafana wildcard metric By default, OpenTSDB groups everything by metric so that if the query returned 10 time series with an aggregator of sum, all 10 series would be added together over time to arrive at one value. This flexibility is great, but it often leaves our users wondering which option is Use Grafana Explore to manually review metrics usage and analyze your usage. ; Aggregations, like sum and max, with Hi, We are planning to use CloudWatch custom metrics to keep track of some customer service metrics for our phone system. Boost your data filtering and visualization skills today. Getting started with the Grafana LGTM Stack We’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics. PromQL is defined in great detail in the documentation, so we won’t go too deep here, but briefly a query is built up from:. We process that data and make a bunch of metrics in AWS CloudWatch (things like Total_Time with dimensions of the I apologize for the clickbait-y title, but it does describe my problem. 0 into Singlestat Panel from nodejs_version_info{group=“axsportal”,instance=“localhost:6600”,job=“prometheus”,major=“9”,minor=“4”,patch=“0”,version=“v9. 27 Filter prometheus results by metric value, not by label value. What’s happening? The Prometheus scraper is sending the metrics to the filter. Combine multiple Prometheus queries in Grafana. A Value mapping maps specific values to text and a color. Allow Grafana Agent to run for two minutes, then navigate to Grafana page and the service label will be there with the api_server value. To get metrics in this case you have two options: Run the ingress controller with --metrics-per-host=false. This rule looks for any metric whose value for the label __name__ is metric_a count_over_time((metric > 0)[5m:10s]) The query above would return the number of metric data points greater than 0 over the last 5 minutes. packets_recv Thank you for you reply Mr. 0. *xyz"}, service) Or, in case you actually need to look across multiple metrics (assuming that for some reason some metrics have some service label values and other metrics have other values): HI I am using grafana to plot the graph from Elasticsearch data. Functions, such as abs to take the absolute value or rate to compute the rate of increase per second. ; a log pipeline |= "metrics. When you have a wildcard domain ingress, then there will be no metrics for that ingress (to prevent the metrics from exploding in cardinality). Grafana exposes metrics for Graphite on the /metrics endpoint. 4. shared lock. elasticsearch, query-help. In my scripts, I have Learn how to create a simple wildcard query in prometheus. Follow along to learn about: Google’s Core Web Vitals and why they are important; How to analyze the browser metrics output; How to set thresholds for your browser metrics; How to use the Performance API to measure web performance. To enable the federation-frontend for an installed GET cluster, you need to add an extra configuration in your Helm chart’s values. hello @daniellee, Kindly let us know if its possible on grafana? daniellee May 24, 2018, 3:33pm 3. 60 min. [BUGFIX] Creating Metrics Dashboards in Grafana¶. 8. Reference the In Grafana, when I edit a panel in a dashboard, I get a sub-window to edit the query like this: I have several fields for MongoDB stats with hierarchical type names like: lock. Grafana lists these variables in dropdown select boxes at the top of the dashboard to help you change the data displayed in your dashboard. Prometheus treats metric names the same way as label values with a special label - __name__. I’ve got metrics like the following: carbon. timings object to create a metric for a specific set of endpoints. The metrics explorer displays all metrics in a paginated table list. macin May 2, 2018, 1:52pm 1. Each metric type has a constructor to create a custom metric. I have metrics in Cloudwatch for around 200 devices, that use the following pattern: device. Configure cross-tenant queries. Google’s Core Web Vitals. Get started. cloudwatch. I would like to do this so I can control what graphs are displayed with a drop down menu. [grafana_net] Refer to [grafana_com] config as that is the new and preferred config name. How to plot a complex combination of several Prometheus metrics obeying the same regex pattern. inventory_quantities{sku="ABC", system="warehouse1"} value = 5 Getting started with managing your metrics, logs, and traces using Grafana. Is it possible to access this Grafana Metrics Drilldown. Click on the eye icon next to Metric to hide metrics, and the garbage can icon to remove metrics. hotname:$QueryVariableName). Wildcard ingresses ¶ By default request metrics are labeled with the hostname. 5 as datasource. We follow the official OTLP Metric points to Prometheus specification. Select a resource from which to query metrics by using the subscription, resource group, resource type, and resource fields. Hi all, I am trying to filter the following Cloudwatch query: aws cloudwatch list-metrics --metric-name "HealthyHostCount" --namespace "AWS/ELB" Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; CloudWatch Template Variable for Cluster and Service Name. Step 1 : Used following query to get all metric names, query succeeded with all metric names. I am trying to use a wildcard search as specified in Lucene documentation. Here, I have to plot the graph for the individual java processes for their metrics. systemData. 1. Hi, I would like to combine multiple queries into one single status panel that should color green or red. Grafana. Grafana exposes metrics for Graphite on the /metrics endpoint We want to get all metric names from Prometheus server filtered by a particular label. Create custom metrics. You may use regular expressions in seriesByTag() by using "name=~regEx", which means you can use . acquireWaitCount. Format is <Hostname or ip>:port. The join is usually performed via on() and group_left() modifiers Grafana Loki parses data differently than full-text index solutions. ip-*-*. 2 – January 8th 2025 v2. Learning Journeys. Selectors, with a metric name and label matchers. When accessing the Grafana UI through the web, it is important to set up HTTPS to ensure the communication between Grafana and the end user is encrypted, including login credentials and retrieved metric data. Comments. needs more info Issue needs more information, like query results, dashboard or panel json, grafana version etc. 11: 3741: August 3, 2023 Lucent query isnt working However, In Grafana, How to filter values in the key(not the gauge value) based on certain patterns? For example, when the following metrics are pushed For example, when the following metrics are pushed Getting started with the Grafana LGTM Stack. Wildcard in metric field when using Elasticsearch. go, then parses each log line to extract more labels and filter with Update After struggling for a couple of hours reading how to do it , it finally worked. Grafana refers to such variables as template variables. For example, you can configure a mapping so that all instances of the value 10 appear as In this webinar, we’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics. LogQL uses labels and operators for filtering. All that appears to have gone in v. If you’re using 8. Grafana Agent has been deprecated and is in Long-Term Support (LTS) through October 31, 2025. The unwrap expression is noted | unwrap label_identifier where the label identifier is Assuming this metric contains one time series per running instance, you could count the number of running instances per application like this: count by (app) (instance_cpu_time_ns) If we are exploring some metrics for their labels, to e. Integration with Loki We’re thrilled to announce the release of Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM) 1. I have an AWS CloudWatch metric that indicates total number of At Grafana Labs, we stick to our “big tent” philosophy, which means we don’t force you into a decision or even tell you that you have to bring your CloudWatch metrics to Grafana Cloud. Not in metric query, but specifically in metrics. In my case to get it display v9. There are two types of LogQL queries: Log queries return the contents of log lines. Copy link tulanian I don't want to have to add sortByName to every metric with a wildcard. Can I use something like a regex or wildcard here s that I dont have to manually add all the I have Grafana connected to VMware and I need two queries. Use the + sign to the right to add multiple metrics to your query. So the following query should select all the values for label xyx across metrics My idea is to declare all ‘check*’ using a wildcard in the metric, in other words, replaces all ‘check*’. Collection. Build your first Prometheus-Grafana : How to use wildcard in query. 321692 What I I am trying to visualize some metrics from Azure monitor in Grafana. Plugin catalog. You can select a wildcard character and still continue. 1 – November 18th 2024 v2. To get metrics in We’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics. In the screenshot below, you see that we’ve selected the application, environment, and component, which will search a much more narrow data set than a query of every log associated This should work (replacing up with the metric you mention): label_values(up{service=~"abc. Wildcard support in dimension values. After you’ve integrated your Thriftly APIs with Prometheus (as described in the Analyzing Metrics Using Prometheus section), you can create comprehensive, visually-pleasing metrics dashboards by importing your Prometheus metrics into Grafana. 0 How to do a distinct count of a metric using graphite datasource in label_values(label) Returns a list of label values for the label in every metric. name ) should be specified Grafana Enterprise Metrics downloads Releases v2. Grafana Enterprise Metrics. Besides the built-in metrics, you can create custom metrics. The metrics browser is only found in the code editor. After your advice I tried again :raw and now everything is working fine. address. agents. Functions. Choosing metrics to query. I am using variables to allow users to build their own expressions to query loadbalancers. 1 to show all VMs that start with "svr" 1 to show all VMs that contain the name "metric" I was trying to mess with wildcards but failed, any ideas how I can do it? This was close: A regular metric query, using the Graphite query textbox. Use these options if you want to send internal Grafana metrics to Graphite. In this article, I will share some useful wildcard regex format for PromQL which I used to create I am trying to match two metrics that have a one to many relationship. To add the value on which it applies was easy when I started by the value metric: Average [metric name] In my case (there is an auto complete for the metric name): Average private_data. I have the numbers push to the same metric but use labels to identify where the metric came from. 2 that uses Elasticsearch 5. To create a variable, follow these steps: Click Edit in the top-right corner of the dashboard. Select the Metrics service. Grouping, also referred to as group-by, is the process of combining multiple time series into one using the required aggregation function and filters. 14. I would like a Grafana variable that contains all the Prometheus metric names with a given prefix. That is to say that for each audio outbound rtp stream, there are many relay nodes consuming the stream. So the query becomes http_status{job~="customer-. Quickly find related metrics with just a few simple clicks, without needing to write PromQL queries to retrieve metrics. Per-tenant usage metrics Why this post? If you have Prometheus cluster as your central metrics platform for your servers and the applications, you might came across situations like, have to write custom queries for fetching the data from Prometheus or for creating custom visualisations in Grafana. It is a good practice in Prometheus ecosystem to expose additional labels, which can be joined to multiple metrics, via a separate info-like metric as explained in this article. Graphite metric prefix. Getting started with Grafana dashboard design. exclusive_intent Hi, I encountered the following case. The metrics query editor's Metrics Query option has two editing modes: Refer to TraceQL metrics queries for examples of TraceQL metrics queries. net. Get started with Grafana. The metrics explorer does not have the ability to browse labels yet, but the metrics browser can display all labels on a metric name. It's a fast, flexible, SQL-based query engine that you can use to identify trends and patterns across millions of operational metrics in real time. Greetings Unclear of the configuration of Grafana to integrate with multiple hosts and services with Icingaweb2. This query may return inaccurate results depending on the relation between the second arg in square brackets (aka step for the inner query) and the real interval between raw samples (aka scrape_interval): It’s because that is not a valid prometheus query (I assume your using prometheus from the query), prometheus has a documentation site that explains the query language, in it you will find you need to use regex operator to use wildcard matching Is is possible in PromQL to query a label with a list of values? For example this is a how you’d do it in SQL: SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE column_1 IN ('A', 'B', 'C') Is there a similar syntax in PromQL? I would have @alencappelletti what version of grafana are you using, alerting has a couple of flavors depending on your version. %(instance_name)s. By default request metrics are labeled with the hostname. You can search for the function or select it from the menu. I'd like to be able to display all the metrics matching the prefix without having to I have Grafana v. Send metrics to Grafana Cloud Caution Grafana Alloy is the new name for our distribution of the OTel collector. Enable by setting the address. I have side-by-side Grafana Labs Community Forums Combine multiple metrics in a single status panel. prefix. Grafana supports the following value mapping types: Value. 742124 device. For each ip, I’d like to sum together the metric values of its ports and display it as a single value. You must enter general options for any type of variable that you create. + (read: dot plus) combined with tilde character (~) instead of just the equal sign (=). dev. Types of value mappings. That works, but we have many queues with different prefixes and we get a “Maximum Number of allowed metrics exceeded error” when the query runs, also we mix 1 to show all VMs that contain the name "metric" For this, you just need /metric/ Grafana, of course; 14 day retention; 10k series Prometheus metrics; 500 VUh k6 testing; 50 GB logs, traces, and profiles; 50k frontend sessions; 2,232 app o11y host hours; 2,232 k8s I’ll use the value to make ElasticSearch wildcard queries (e. host. The second wildcard distinguishes different port numbers (multiple ports for each ip). warnings, or specific events with just a few characters. 1: 1962: June 28, 2018 Azure Logs Metrics sample query visualizing CPU percentage over time Create a Metrics query. g. Efraimsson, you are right, I shouldn’t use ${pvp:distributed}. be able to aggregate over some of them, we could use the following: limitk(10, app_foo_metric_bar) PromQL is the querying language that is part of Prometheus. Watch now → Grafana. Unwrapped ranges uses extracted labels as sample values instead of log lines. Go to the Variables tab. I do not know, why it has not worked first time i tried. Get Grafana metrics into Graphite. Add keep_metric_names modifier in order to keep metric names. Viewed 8k times tried many different regex patterns to get it but not quite successfully. We get the data from our CS provider with things like hold time, talk time, TTFR, total call time, as well as the topic etc. Elasticsearch. I use the following Unwrapped range aggregations. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. Set up Grafana HTTPS for secure web traffic. Or, if you're tracking Queries that are not considered dynamic will be build using either expression (if actively defined in the expression field by the user) or metric stat. Queries act as if they are a distributed grep to aggregate log sources. The ordering of metrics in the legend when using wildcards and aliasByNode seems to be random in v1. * to cover as many levels as you want. 1 – February 27th 2025 v2. For example, instead of using a wildcard label selector, use a precise label selector. Visit documentation. 5. Path: Copied! Products Open Source Solutions Learn Docs Pricing; Grafana Enterprise Metrics. A Graphite events query, using the Graphite event tags textbox with a tag, wildcard, or empty value; Get Grafana metrics into Graphite. Binary The query is composed of: a log stream selector {container="query-frontend",namespace="loki-dev"} which targets the query-frontend container in the loki-dev namespace. To create dashboards in Grafana, you must: How would I join metrics by their similar labels and calculate the difference? Example I have metric for tracking the inventory from two systems. 0. metricsReceived The first wildcard distinguishes different ip addresses. Global. Configuration steps for CloudWatch metrics. For Grafana Mimir to accept them, ingestion of Prometheus Native Histogram metrics must first be enabled following the instructions in Configure native histogram ingestion. 0 – January 9th 2025 v2. For detailed instructions, refer to Internal Grafana metrics. Check metrics Synthetic Monitoring check results are stored as Prometheus metrics in your Grafana Cloud Prometheus instance. So for example with Prometheus data source Hello everyone! I have a dashboard with these variables: first second third From my prometheus datasource, my metric have these labels: 001:first:label:x 001:first:label:y 002:second:label:x 002:second:label:y 003:third:label:x 003:third:label:y In my dashboard panel query, I would like to get the metric values from the labels per variable. The following is a list of metrics common to all check types: Browser metrics. The way to add Derivative, was to add to the query another metric, that is Derivative. Metric queries extend log queries to calculate values based on query results. systemMetrics. My first task in a new job is to create a dashboard to show failures in a data ingestion pipeline. LogQL is Grafana Loki’s PromQL-inspired query language. For example, http_requests_total{status="200"}. However to select which label will be used within the aggregation, the log query must end with an unwrap expression and optionally a label filter expression to discard errors. This function is supported by PromQL. Do this for each ip and the end result would be a graph If your metrics are tagged metrics, then you must use seriesByTag() and in this case the name may be treated as "just another" tag called "name" in the seriesByTag() function. You’ve The dashboards, metrics, and alerts packaged in the new Apache Cassandra integration in Grafana Cloud can help you get your Apache Cassandra monitoring up and running instantly. It should be possible to monitor not only one specific value of a Metrics and visualizations Metrics tell you how much of something exists, such as how much memory a computer system has available or how many centimeters long a desktop is. sin # sin(q) is a transform function, which returns sin(v) for every v point of every time series returned by q. We’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics. My application exists out of a couple micro services and a frontend that goes along. 827192 device. While this release packs in a ton of enhancements and bug fixes, we’d like to dive into two particularly exciting features: per-tenant usage metrics and a wildcard tenant for queries. Getting started with managing your metrics, logs, and traces using Grafana. grafana. Find traces of a specific operation Let’s say that you want to find traces of a specific operation, then both the operation name (the span attribute name ) and the name of the service that holds this operation (the resource attribute service. In this webinar, we’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics. The patterns to this question: <method_name(> metric_name <{filter_condition}> <[time_duration Learn how to effectively use regex in Grafana queries with this comprehensive guide. 1 Handling Grafana metrics (mean, p25, p75, p90, p99, std) in Graphite. Prometheus. In the example below using the . To add a function, choose the plus icon next to Function. Yet I seem to get strange results. 494271 device. roopakgk May 2, 2018, 8:02am 2. I have an option called “Dimension” but however I am only seeing an “eq” option besides it. By default, Grafana Mimir does not accept OpenTelemetry Exponential Histogram metrics. You will lose labeling by hostname top metrics - see Top metrics aggregation; rate - see Rate aggregation; You can select multiple metrics and group by multiple terms or filters when using the Elasticsearch query editor. Watch now → Open source When the CloudWatch datasource creates a Metric Data Query Expression you can view this by clicking the ‘Show Query Expression’ button. To create a Metrics query: In a Grafana panel, select the Azure Monitor data source. For details, see the template variables documentation. koenbruyninckxkbc November 26, 2019, 7:05am 1. Grafana Metrics Drilldown is a query-less experience for browsing Prometheus-compatible metrics. Modified 6 years, 6 months ago. The query editor supports two distinct query Configuration steps for CloudWatch metrics. Click Add variable, or if there are already existing variables, + New variable. 0”} 1 You can find the remote_write URL, username, and API key configuration information in the Prometheus card of the Grafana Cloud portal. Refer the documentation Prometheus uses a Regex-like pattern and the wildcard character is . I am getting data from multiple instances from a resource and wanted a panel with graphs of each instance. Looking at the metrics, I can see that some of them have dynamic names, most probably delivered by dropwizard metrics. The first metric webrtc_metrics_audio_outbound_rtp_bytes_sent maps to many of the second metric relay_node_audio_track_bytes. Metric names are stripped from the resulting series. go" | logfmt | duration > 10s and throughput_mb < 500 which will filter out log that contains the word metrics. + wildcard character we search for metrics where the instance label ends with service-c. This will allow me to do a wildcard search for the Is it possible to do wildcard searches in a opentsdb metrics query the same way you can do this in graphite ? For example, i have metrics in opentsdb that look like this: If your metrics are not tagged metrics, then you have to use the normal target expression syntax, in which case wildcards cannot cover indeterminite levels. The grafana_net config is still Sum multiple metrics without summing over a wildcard? 2 Graphite: group by node fragment. yaml file and upgrade the GET cluster There is a Custom all value setting on variables. Choose Select metric to navigate the metric space. cpu. 15. For example, you can compute a metric for your business logic, or use the Response. Choose an option in the Select variable type drop-down list. It would be nice to show this generated query to the user as way of feed back when they get it wrong. Defaults to prod. +"}. I would need to sum a fields matching a certain pattern together, but apparently it is not possible to use wildcard in metric sum field? Are there other ways to do this? For example I would want to sum: failure. . It was already explained at least a couple of times. The filter is then sending metrics to the remote_write I have also tried to use wildcard in the metric name, prometheus is complaining about that. and I’ve spent a frustrating couple of hours laboriously looking up field and tag names in InfluxDB and typing them into Format considerations. 8 Grafana query to get unique tag values. Enter General options. Give our Apache Cassandra integration a metric is your metric, like “node_filesystem_avail_bytes” “new_task_id” is where you would put your new label name “$1” is regex for using the string in new label name, don’t change this The Metrics Query option in the CloudWatch data source is referred to as Metric Insights in the AWS console. Merging multiple series based on one label in Grafana. Hot Network Questions Hello. Last time I did, there was an extremely functional interface for building panels that allowed queries to be built with drop down menus, and graphs to be customised. Click Settings. 60 min Getting started with Grafana dashboard design Metric names are stripped from the resulting series. For example, consul_service_tags metric exposes a set of tags, which can be joined to metrics via (service_name, node) labels. label_values(metric, label) Returns a list of label values for the label in the specified metric. Hello guys, I’m trying to perform the filtering of the “System_Up_Time” metric by Hostname, within the variables I have this configuration: Up to this point I have the correct result, all hosts appear, but the problem is that I am not able to obtain the results according to the filtering of the selected host: When I enter the hostname, I have the correct data, I would like In situations where a wildcard tenant name passes to the federation-frontend, you must supply an admin_client configuration section if the component is not part of a GET installation. When selecting the metric from Graphite table that contains multiple hosts, the only option is a wildcard but Using regex to retrieve the Prometheus metric name from Grafana expressions. 9. What I ultimately want is a list of all available metrics. There might be side effects I can not grasp. shared_intent lock. Grouping¶. Grafana Enterprise Traces. This introduction to PromQL will be largely decoupled from specific tools and the non-PromQL parts The CloudWatch data source in Amazon Managed Grafana provides a powerful query editor that allows you to retrieve and analyze metrics and logs from various AWS services that send data to CloudWatch. I haven’t used Grafana in a while. Graphite querier: wildcard matchers in patterns are now correctly honored, and series with less nodes than queried are no longer returned as part of the result. x with unified alerting, the preview alert button in your alert configuration page will show a preview of the returned values of your alert query/expression and the labels/values that can be used in your alert notification. The constructor creates a metric object of the declared type. You have not said what your data source is, but if it supports wildcards then you can use the wildcard as a Custom all value. I’m new to Grafana (but not to BI/DataViz tools) and I have to confess that my first experience with this tool has been disappointing. testFai… Then I tried to use an unprefixed wildcard: QueueName = *. The metrics explorer is only found in the query builder section. In addition to PromQL, Prometheus provides a scraper that fetches metrics from instances (any application providing metrics) and a time series database (TSDB), which stores these metrics over time. The filter is adding a new label named service with the value api_server. The k6 browser module emits metrics based on the Core Web Vitals. After you start, you can continue using the pointer or keyboard arrow keys. acquireCount. xdmis eco kfqh hhf arjlv epusym cvybjpkc crvl slezw otuamnt biuz wasua zqslr lbvoftv rxl