Height Adjustable Wash Basins for Changing Places
A washbasin that is height adjustable should be provided to allow people to use it from either a seated or standing position. The washbasin should be positioned at a height at which a wheelchair user can easily reach the taps and use the bowl. To prevent back strain or injury, it should be possible to raise it to a suitable height so that the assistant can use it when standing.
The washbasin should have a large bowl, but not so large that it will be difficult to reach the taps or a wallmounted soap dispenser.
Level areas at either side of the washbasin, provided with most height adjustable units, can provide forearm support.
The washbasin should provide a clear knee space below the bowl and should not have a pedestal. All supply and waste pipes should be neatly positioned to avoid obstructing the knee space.
The majority of commercially available washbasins allow height adjustment within the range of 580mm to 1030mm above floor level.
The height adjustment mechanism should be power assisted (either Electrical or Hydraulic). Instructions and controls for adjusting the height should be clearly visible and easy to follow.
The height adjustment mechanism should have a pressure sensitive safety override to prevent the washbasin from lowering if there is any obstruction underneath.
Height adjustable washbasins require a flexible tap and waste pipe connectors to enable the washbasin to be raised and lowered to its maximum extent. These connectors are enclosed or concealed behind a rear panel in most models.
If it is not possible to provide the height adjustable facility, the washbasin should be installed at a height accessible to a wheelchair user (720-740 mm from floor).