An authority on Changing Places Toilets
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Latest news
Councils to opt-in to receive Government Funding
Councils to opt-in to receive Government Funding A new campaign was launched today, encouraging councils to opt-in to receive the recently confirmed £30m of Government funding for Changing Places toilets. Aveso, the last official sponsor of the Changing Places...
Changing Places Toilets a Focus for European Football Clubs at International Conference
Changing Places Toilets a Focus for European Football Clubs at International Conference Aveso CEO Nick Kent was thrilled to be invited to speak about Changing Places Toilets at the European Football for Development Network Conference in Liverpool last week. The...
Accessible Tourism: Changing Places Toilets a Key Element of Strategy to Boost Tourist Numbers and Enhance Visitor Experience
Accessible Tourism: Changing Places Toilets a Key Element of Strategy to Boost Tourist Numbers and Enhance Visitor Experience The last year or so has been a difficult one for the tourism industry, the pandemic having had a major impact on visitor numbers at...
Where Changing Places Toilets are installed
Every Changing Places toilet is different, and the requirements will vary depending on where the project is situated. Explore the guidance for different sectors here.
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