Ceiling Hoists
A ceiling track hoist which covers the whole room should be provided in a Changing Places Toilet to enable a person to be transferred conveniently between their wheelchair, the Changing Bench, WC and sometimes the Washbasin.
Such hoists are sometimes referred to as an X-Y System or a H System and can be mounted on the ceiling or on the walls (structural and partition walls if the correct preparation is made). This is where we advise contacting Aveso early on in the planning stage to ensure any changes are made to the structure of the Changing Places wall early on in the process.
Full room coverage provides access to all the equipment and clear manoeuvring space within the facility. A single track hoist only covers a linear route and may limit movement within a room.
Mobile hoists are not recommended. They reduce manoeuvring space, and may require an alternative space outside the toilet for Charging. They are also liable to being removed, and may cause manual handling issues for assistants unfamiliar with specific models. Mobile Hoists also usually require two carers to operate which can put single carers at risk.