The BBC earlier today released an article ” Disabled access: Premier League clubs may face sanctions over lack of improvement” discussing the desperate changes needed in the grounds of Premier League football clubs.


The article outlines how Premier League clubs are prioritising finance over improving access and should face legal action if they fail to meet the needs of disabled fans, according to a new report. Several clubs including Liverpool, Chelsea and Watford are likely to miss a deadline on meeting basic standards.


The Culture, Media and Sport select committee says it is unconvinced the league would punish clubs itself. However, the Premier League says it is “working extremely hard” on access.

Premier League clubs may face sanctions over lack of improvement

In 2015, the league promised to improve stadium facilities for disabled fans, stating that clubs would comply with official guidance by August 2017.

That followed a BBC investigation in 2014 which found that 17 of the 20 clubs in the top flight at that time had failed to provide enough wheelchair spaces.

At the end of January, the Premier League will publish an interim report detailing each club’s progress towards the August accessibility deadline.

The select committee’s report on “Accessibility of Sports Stadia” quotes Premier League executive director Bill Bush as saying top-flight clubs who fail to comply could be punished.

He said the Premier League board can impose fines of up to £25,000, while cases of serious breaches would be referred to an independent panel – which could impose heavier fines or even deduct points.

But the report added that it was “not convinced” of the Premier League’s willingness to sanction its clubs after “20 years of comparative inactivity”.

Premier League clubs may face sanctions over lack of improvement

We can only hope that with these changes comes facility adaptations and the implementation of Changing Places toilets similar to the facility pictured above(Arsenal Emirates Stadium).

Since we have first began our sponsorship of the Changing Places campaign we have been delighted  to install our equipment at Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool, Brighton and Hove and and last year we announced the registration of Manchester City Etihad Stadium and Manchester United Old Trafford StadiumWith so many football clubs out there, this list only represents a small minority of clubs stepping up to offer adequate accessible facilities. 

To read the full BBC Article please click here

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